Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Fighter

Hands down, Christian Bale is the best goddamn actor of his generation. I could say it's Heath Ledger or somethin', but the dude's dead!
R.I.P. homie!

Now you could pit my boy Bale against any would-be pretender, but this guy seems to method act more than Daniel Day Lewis does on dickhead mode.
Well not exactly crystal meth, but what the hell?!?

When Mark Wahlberg mentioned that Manny Pacquiao was also a factor that made him play Micky Ward, I kinda' half-expected him to bust some Pacquiao moves.
Without busting a single move.

What we saw was far from it. Like a washed-up Buster Douglas perhaps?
Washed-up Mike Tyson sounds better.

Too bad Marky-Mark didn't take his method acting cue from Mr. Bale. I believe he didn't put in any real effort in cutting weight to get that welterweight look.
Does this look like 147 to you? Hell no!
 At least Christian Bale knows how to have the body type of a crack addict.
Crack could also help you cut to lightweight.

As far as biopics go, this one did the character justice, even if I haven't read much about Micky Ward. Though his name definitely rings a bell, even if I haven't been closely followin' the boxing scene for the last decade. I'm just not that big of a fan.

This gets an 8.5 outta 10 just because Christian Bale's in it.
And pretty much all of Nolan's Batmen get at least an 8.5.

images from moviesdx.com, moviemusingswithafilmstudent.files.wordpress.com, onzuka.com, markhoustonrecovery.com, static.guim.co.uk, nerdofmouth.files.wordpress.com, 1.bp.blogspot.co


Honestly, even if I watched the whole Easy-A movie, I still don't know what the fuck easy-A means, or where does it come into this movie(nice ass, easy ass is all I could think of). I wish I could tap Emma Stone's easy-ass while stoned!
Come on, she dares you to.

Good for Emma to bag her first lead role. I guess we should thank Superbad and Zombieland for givin' us the opportunity to get a sneak preview of her[Emma and Jonah Hill in Superbad-"or we could thank Jules' 'family jules(jewels)' for that"]. I honestly do hope that this would be the first of many lead roles to showcase those family jewels.
Um, may we see those alleged "family jewels"?

I wasn't really laughin' out loud(LOL-ing) the whole time the movie was bein' played. Though I kinda' snickered when it came to some parts of the flick. Good old-fashioned American humor was at play it means. Therefore this garners a 5.5. That's because I laughed, and Emma's hot!
Does this mean that Fantastic 4 automatically gets a 10?

images from: shefinds.com, latimes.com, thecinemasource.com, filmfodder.com