Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bourne Legacy

This is one helluva ride! Literally, this flick's gonna' take you places. As far as my own backyard. Basically, it all started with the headshot of London journalist Mr. Ross. Then it all snowballed from there. The movie sorta' implied that Mr. Matt Damon himself did the headshot.

Jeremy Renner did a good job rebooting the franchise. he looked cool warding off wolves in the northern American wilderness. It kinda' reminded me of The Grey.
Liam Neeson? Psh.

It was very nostalgic looking at Jason Bourne's name engraved in a wooden double-deck bed. I thought Jason Bourne was the only person in that Treadstone fiasco. I didn't know that there were many other "participants" in that program. So the gov't had to clean up all the other "participants" to clean up their mess. Too bad for 'em Renner was just too slippery.
The janitor to clean up the mess.

Rachel Weisz was also perfect for the role. Not just because she's cute, but because she really looked like a hot scientist. Hearing her say "Manila, Philippines" was music to my ears. But the deranged scientist who shot all the people in the lab gave me the creeps because it had a stark contrast to the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shootings, and all other shooting incidents in the US.
The Joker's on the loose!

The chase scene in Manila was the best chase scene that I've ever watched. It was even better that the Matrix Reloaded highway chase scene. The length of the chase added to the scene's excitement. The chased and chaser first started off on foot, running through the depressed areas in the metro. Then it went to the streets and overpasses, which was always crowded.
97 million Filipinos should watch this just because.

Now here's where the movie gets creative. How the hell can a chase scene in the traffic congested-streets of Manila transpire? Simple. Ride a bike and avoid the vehicles.
Stealing bike's is the nation's favorite pastime.

To a casual viewer, it was just a long chase scene with parkour and bike stunts. For me, it was a chase scene that took a lot of turns, skidded a lot of corners, and reached a lot of places like Edsa, Novotas, Marikina, etc. That was why I felt so freakin' tired after all of it, with adrenaline oozing even as I walked out the mall.

Some points for improvement are still needed though to make this film more realistic. First was John Arcilla who played the security guard in the drug factory, He shouldn't be speaking flawless, English-accented English!
You should be working in a call center, mister!

Another was the scene where Rachel was buying meds from a small pharmacy. The vendor wasn't speaking to her in English. What the hell does Rachel know about our vernacular?
WTF are you tellin' me?!?

Other than those glitches, it's a 9/10.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Amazing Spiderman

What Batman Begins did to the Batman franchise, The Amazing Spiderman did to the whole Spiderman-Tobey Maguire shebang. The Amazing Spiderman was darker and more realistic.
Superheroes who use their cellphones don't lose but actually earn coolness points.

We noticed too that the movie didn't rely entirely on CGI when showing the webslinger's aerial moves.
The question is, is it Andrew Garfield, or some stuntman behind that suit?
The storyline here is pretty much at par with what was in the comic book. The thing was that I found the lizard pretty ugly.
Could've been better.

Emma Stone's continued use of her bedroom voice paid dividends for her character. The audience found an erotic driving force for Peter Parker to do what he does best.
Talking on his cell phone.

Good job for Uncle Benny(Ben) and Auntie May. Some characters to keep the subject grounded. But damn you Martin Sheen for making me shed a tear with your voicemail speech to Peter towards the ending.
Sorry Martin, damn your son instead!

This flick deserves an 8.5 outta 10.
Minus .5 for Emma Stone not showing us her boobs!

Hotel Transylvania

Just another CGI flick with a couple of laughs here and there, Maybe the kid in me is just slowly aging, that's why I wasn't that into it. Maybe I was wanting to watch Resident Evil 5 or Judge Dredd more. Or maybe, I was just expecting more. You know, like something from Pixar, or even Dreamworks.
Maybe I was just expecting Buzz Lightyear to show up, that's all.

The story itself was complete. I just felt that there could be more. As in more vampire action? You know me, I just love those teleportationesque vampire moves. But all I got were a couple of smokey vanishes here and there, and the proverbial bat transfiguration.
Where the f*ck is LEstat when I need him?

Believe it or not, the love theme of Hotel Transylvania is pretty similar to Twilight's. The vampire-human love story? It's a thing right now.
Hotel Transylvania pretty much.

The voice actors were excellent. Except for Steve Buscemi. I noticed that the werewolf's voice sounded kinda' familiar. But that was it! the rest were stealthy.
Adam Sandler? Who would've thought??

Overall rating for this CGI-induced flick is 6/10.