Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ang Guro

Just viewed this last month. If it wasn't for school shit, I wouldn't be in the know that such a play existed.

Tickets cost Php250. But that's cool because what we got in exchange for purchasing the ticket is the non-submission of our final product(which is something that we just make up and produce and in our case, we came up with "anti-hangover" pills).

This play was headlined by Karel Marquez(yes, the same gal with the scandal who used to VJ for MYX).

In fact, Karel was the only A-lister here(together with her mom Pinky[Pinky Marquez is Karel's mom, right?] who did a special participation on this one). The rest of the cast were virtual unknowns, though some of their faces looked familiar.

Paul Ballano was the script-writer and director for this presentation. He should thank God for his sense of humor because if he wasn't funny, I wouldn't remember him at all. Kudos to him too that he chose to honor our country's teachers in this one. Teaches are really one of the most underrated people in society.

The dude who played Mr. Inspection(or was it Inspecion?) was pretty good. If it wasn't for his role-playing, I would really think that he's gay. Plus the other chubby teacher has pretty good acting chops too. Exaggerated gestures are really a must to succeed in stage plays.

Karel did a wonderful job onstage as Ms. Resontoc()or was that Resonto?), the teacher(who apparently was Paul Ballano's 1st Grade teacher in real life). Do you remember how your kind-hearted, stress-free teachers used to talk to you back in the day? That was how Karel talked the entire time. It's as if she's in the zone to be a goody-two-shoes faculty member. Her refreshing face helped a lot too.

Refreshing, not alluring/seducing.

Whoa whoa whoa! Not that type of fresh! I mean this...

Now, that's better!

The only part that I didn't like was the singin'. I don't know what it is, but there's just something about musicals that bore me to death.

Overall, this play merits a 7/10 due to the fact that I was amused for like 2 hours.

*images from,

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