Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon[post-viewing analysis]

I ain't really a fan of the Twilight saga. I haven't even read Twilight. I didn't do any homework before entering the movie house to watch the 2nd installment of the series. And yet, I have this natural inkling that I know everything that's gonna happen. Maybe i should just start readin' the damn book!

I actually liked New Moon way better than its predecessor[though I can't wait for The Vampire's Assistant and The Wolfman]because there was more action! I didn't know that werewolves could run faster than vampires. All this time, I thought that vampires were the shiznit!

Opening day was jam-packed! The theater was close to selling out with lots of college teens here and there. I hated standing in line with all those peepz, waitin' to get my reserved tix. I only liked how they reacted when Eddie Cullen was initially shown and when the wolfboy Jacob showed his sculpture of a body.

There were dreamy sighs and giggles here and there when these 2 scenes were shown. Edward Cullen's initial shot made teen girls sigh and scream a li'l bit. It was the innocent type like teenyboppers clamoring dreamily for the Beatles.

Jacob's body shot on the other hand, made the more sexually aggressive ladies make audible utterances to themselves while the wannabe alpha males in the sudience made sounds of intimidation and I guess a li'l bit of jealousy[because I guess they won't have a body such as Jacob's in 5 lifetimes] by exclaimin' "Whoah!!"

That was your local audience right there ladies and gentlemen.

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