Saturday, May 15, 2010

Robin Hood (post-movie rant)

When someone (I forgot if it was the sheriff or King John) in the movie mentioned “Robin of the hood…”, did he mean that Robin Longstride was from the hood? As in “The” hood? Like an inner-city thang? Hahaha! Just messin’!

Ok, first off, how does Cate Blanchett manage to reverse the aging process? It seems like she has the “Benjamin Button Syndrome” wherein she looks younger and younger as she grows older. Man she even seemed hot to me! Though I didn’t really consider her hot before. Switching Siena Miller for Cate Blanchett didn’t seem like a bad idea after all. It was said that Siena was too skinny for Russell Crowe. But I really wouldn’t mind.

Russell Crowe didn’t look like a Jerkus Maximus on this one. However, he looked like a gladiator still. I guess it has somethin’ to do with that middle-aged body-type or somethin’.

Out of the 4 “main” Merry Men (and that includes Friar Tuck[Mark Addy]) that I noticed in this flick, only 3 of them looked familiar. As I’ve said, the fat friar, Scott Grimes (that guy that played Malarkey in Band Of Brothers) as Will Scarlet who is Robin’s nephew, and Kevin Durand (not the Durantula from the NBA, that other angel dude that battled Paul Bettany in Legion)as Little John.

Sir Godfrey (Mark Strong) also looked familiar for he is the same guy that played the bad guy in Kick-Ass, Archy in RocknRolla, and Lord Henry Blackwood in Sherlock Holmes. I actually cheered when Robin Hood, blood drippin’ from his eyes and all, did a successful head shot as Sir Godfrey was tryin’ to escape.

The person that played King John (Oscar Isaac) was pretty good. Not only he, but the other barons and dukes were also launching spittle while arguing about somethin’ that he was burning towards the end of the flick. The reason why he looked familiar was that he was the dude that played the interpreter in Che.

My take on this is that I think it was another perfect example of a film adaptation. They don’t care if they follw the story by the book (no pun intended). They alter a lot of things, and truthfully, I really don’t give a damn. As long as I am satisfied with what’s happenin’, then it’s all good. Nothin’s real in a movie anyway.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

UFC 113 (post-fight rant)

I didn't get to see the start of the fights. I only saw Alan Belcher dismantling Patrick Cote with a rear naked choke. Very cool of Belcher to call out Anderson Silva!

Kimbo Slice showed us once again why he's better off in youtube than on a UFC PPV.

My bets Sam "Hands Of Stone" Stout and Paul "Semtex" Daley all lost decisions to their respective opponents (Jeremy "Li'l Heathen" Stephens and Josh Koscheck respectively). But the biggest bet that I lost was to Mauricio "Shogun" Rua. Man he ruined the night for me.

Yes I know the terror that he was back in the Pride days. But I was really assuming that Machida Karate would reign supreme for a few more years. I was wrong. Muay Thai is still king!

Seems like Machida never really adjusted that much for their second outing. Shogun was really in there to end Lyoto's reign. He released all that pent-up anger and frustration that he's been harboring for 6 months and unleashed everything on The Dragon. Man did you see the mice under MAchida's eye? He was demolished!

There goes my Php200...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Working Girls (post-movie afterthoughts)

Honestly, I don't even remember the original Working Girls movie (with Rio Locsin, Carmi Martin, Gina Pareno, and some other hag). Nonetheless, I could relate very easily to this modern version.

It looked like this modern version was just a waste, but people like me have learned to appreciate the li'l things.

Like comedy for instance. I was laughing out loud most of the time at Eugene Domingo and Antonio Aquitania's antics. Eugene kept mentioning that his kids were studying "At the Ateneo..". As an Atenean, I find that funny because I can fuckin' relate all too well. My parents also had a hard time (and I salute them) lettin' us study in that exclusive school. I won;t be the man that I am today if it wasn't for that top-flite Jesuit education.

I didn't know that Ricky Davao also had funny fluids runnin' in his system. I thought before when I was a kid that he was evil because of his roles in film and TV. But he clearly made me laugh on this one. I am easy too please anyway, hence the laughter.

Lots of hot girls runnin' loose in this film. If you consider Ruffa Gutierrez hot, then count her as a hottie in this film.Carmi Martin is still hot though. As far as I can remember, her face still remains the same! I've been watching her since I was like 5 years old or somethin'. Must be the botox.

Eula Valdez is still spankin'! At 40-somethin' years of age, she still looks like she's 28 or somethin'. Definitely cougar material!

Jennylyn Mercado and Carlo Aquino looked like the prototypical call center agents who flirt around each other even if they have a kid (Jennylyn Mercado) or they are in a relationship (Carlo Aquino). But still, Jennylyn could still cut it as a hot mom. It's her glasses that made her look dorky, and not in a hot and Tina Fey-esque kinda' way.

Cristine Reyes played the role of Carlo Aquino's slutty girlfriend who went out with rich and powerful men. I remembered having a girlfriend like this before. And take note, I was the same midnight-shifty agent that Carlo was in this movie. So I was really able to relate in that aspect.

Katya Santos played the "kabet" (mistress) roommate of Cristine. She still is hot and I'd bang those boobs any fuckin' time of day!

Andrea Del Rosario looked like a fish. She was just sexy before that was why she could cut it as hot. But you also have to bank on face value if you wanna' last in the showbiz industry.

Iza Calzado was just plain old Iza Calzado to me. You could actually cut out Calzado's part, as well as Jao Mapa's (he played Iza's ex) and it wouldn't make any difference!

Mylene Dizon is on her way to manang-hood. She looks a lot older. LJ Moreno looked hotter than her IMHO.

I loved Cherie Gil's English accent. Seems more polished than her "You're nothing but a second rate, trying hard, copycat!"

Bianca King seems like a smart girl to me. I thought that she was just an airhead like Marian (as you know, beauty is usually inversely proportional to brains). Seems like she's more articulate than I give her credit for. Plus the fact that she's hot, brings an added plus. Good for Champ! Go get 'em tiger!

If there's an actor/actress who I forgot to mention, no apologies!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Break Up (not the Vince Vaughn-Jen Aniston flick)

My girlfriend for over a year just broke up with me. But I don't consider myself broke. I'm just thinking, why are they all dumping me?! No matter what I do, it's deja-vous! No matter how hard I try bein' the boyfriend material type, I just don't cut it. Maybe I'm really meant to be a bachelor for life! I really don't know what God has in store for me, but we'll see. A model a year ain't bad either. ;)

Mayweather VS Mosley, Who R U Picking (post-fight rant)

Watching Mayweather fight is just like watching Anderson Silva fight. He makes the sweet science look so simple and elementary. No matter what the haters say about Money, that guy's a genius! Doesn't matter whatever trash-talk or controversy that he's in when he's outside the ring for he has an extremely high boxing IQ when inside the ring.

Mayweather's Mosley was like Pacquiao's Cotto. Both were said to be the toughest tests for the 2 greats (Pac and Money) at welterweight. Both Sugar and Cotto were said to press the action and be aggressive against their respective opponents. And both were destroyed!

Both Mosley and Cotto faded during the later rounds. Instead of bein' aggressors, they were back-peddling (did I spell that shit right? too lazy to google it up). The difference was that Mosley was gassing! Age really is a factor in combat sports, no doubt about that, except for a few exceptions (like Couture and B-Hop).

Money was really like a master at work. He dissected Mosley after he was rocked in the 2nd. I was really shouting because I thought the unthinkable was gonna' happen. Somebody would knock Floyd the fuck out! I was wrong.

Floyd's a thinking man's fighter. He sucked it up and made Mosley fight his fight. He won't be dictated by the aging pugilist. He picked his spots, picked his angles, and did so while moving forward! I could imagine Money stickin' and movin' but moving forward and forcing the action? I admit it was the first time I remembered Floyd doin' that strategy.

The beauty in all of this is that Floyd was doin' all of this while wasting no energy. his movements were all very minimal. And yet he's as explosive as fuck! He can stop at a dime, then explode! That's how he picks his angles. Unlike Pacquiao who bounces around when doin' angles, this dude just stops and flashes! Everytime Mosley was countering, he was gone in .60 seconds. Then he would reappear with that jab with such blinding hand speed! That Floyd is really a freak of nature! A thoroughbred athlete!

With all that said, I'm now doubting if Pacman can stop this guy. Floyd's too smart to get outsmarted by any living boxer out there! I would put him on the level of a Sugar Ray Robinson when it comes to boxing IQ. He's a counter-puncher who could suddenly turn into a brawler when he sees the situation fit. Pacman has never-ending cardio, so it doesn't really matter if he bounces around for 12 rounds. But the fact that Floyd doesn't bounce around means that more energy is in store for him in the later rounds if they do face in the ring. Pacman does have weapons to beat Floyd at his own game like quick footwork and fast hands. But Floyd has that too! It's virtually a toss-up!

If I am a betting man, my heart would say Pacman but my wallet would say Money. Both are the real deal, but IMHO, Floyd's just on another level. They didn't place him as the former #1 Pound-for-Pound for nothing.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Soloist (post-viewing rant)

I've been meaning to watch this flick since July, 2009. However, due to a series of unfortunate events, it was delayed for quite some time, 'till now. Thanks be to God for that!

Robert Downey Jr. did a good job portraying Steve Lopez, an LA Times columnist. But Jamie Foxx's portrayal of the soloist (Nathaniel Ayers) was so stellar that it blew everyone else's performances away! I knew Foxx's acting capability so much that I wasn't the least bit surprised about his amazing performance.

The thing was that Foxx really nailed the part of a crazy, homeless artist. He was mumbling and ranting his nonsense, and there was even a part wherein he didn't know if he was gonna' smile because of happiness (after playin' the cello again for quite some time), or keep his blank and spaced-out expression.

Kudos too for his (Foxx's) musical talent. It's as if he could really play those instruments in real life. Well I bet he could!

The Soloist is a movie that could definitely make you say that Foxx is one of the best among his peers, if you didn't know that yet (check out Collateral and Jar Head). The only downside to this movie is that it left me feelin' a lil' bit crazy too!

Iron Man 2 (post-movie rant)

Robert Downey Jr indeed is the right man to play Tony Stark! Tell me, is there anyone better suited out there?

Well anyway, this is just a prelude of bigger things to come. Like The Mighty Thor perhaps? I don't know what the fuck the commotion was all about in the end when that Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) bodyguard said "I've found it..". Seems like there was an excavation site or "secret base" bein' constructed. But I did clearly see the hammer of that Norse pagan god.

Don Cheadle seemed fitting for the role that Terrence Howard left behind. But Terrence Howard added more bulk to War Machine. Don Cheadle will always be the skinny Earl Manigault to me.

Mickey Rourke did a decent job in portraying himself as the Russian Ivan Vanko. He is sporting a really nice, fake, Russian accent.

Now if you think Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) was hot, then you're cold as ice if you haven't noticed how spankin' hot Natalie Rushman, a.k.a. "Natalia Romanoff" (Scarlett Johansson) was. Her curves are really tricky. You could get lost in those.

I initially thought that Tony Stark's computer J.A.R.V.I.S. was voiced by Jude Law. Turns out to be Paul Bettany. Now why didn't I catch that?

Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) did a good job in mixing evil and comedy. Evil in that you really would hate the guy. Comedy because I was also laughing at him. He even did this sort of dance when he was walking onstage during the Hammer technological expo or somethin'. Funny guy. Hope he gets more movies after this because I think the last time I saw him was in Matchstick Men with Nicholas Cage, and that was a loooong time ago.

Samuel L. Jackson is still Samuel L Jackson in this flick. No variation at all. It's just like watching Mace Windu with an eye-patch.

Director Jon Favreau thinks that no one can nail the part of Happy Hogan except for him. Nice goin' Jon!

And oh, I think I noticed Olivia Munn playin' a reporter. She's hot still. And more so, because of her tanned look. Looks like she just came from South Beach or somethin'.

I was expecting this to be an OK flick. I didn't know that it would turn out to be this good.