Saturday, May 1, 2010

Iron Man 2 (post-movie rant)

Robert Downey Jr indeed is the right man to play Tony Stark! Tell me, is there anyone better suited out there?

Well anyway, this is just a prelude of bigger things to come. Like The Mighty Thor perhaps? I don't know what the fuck the commotion was all about in the end when that Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) bodyguard said "I've found it..". Seems like there was an excavation site or "secret base" bein' constructed. But I did clearly see the hammer of that Norse pagan god.

Don Cheadle seemed fitting for the role that Terrence Howard left behind. But Terrence Howard added more bulk to War Machine. Don Cheadle will always be the skinny Earl Manigault to me.

Mickey Rourke did a decent job in portraying himself as the Russian Ivan Vanko. He is sporting a really nice, fake, Russian accent.

Now if you think Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) was hot, then you're cold as ice if you haven't noticed how spankin' hot Natalie Rushman, a.k.a. "Natalia Romanoff" (Scarlett Johansson) was. Her curves are really tricky. You could get lost in those.

I initially thought that Tony Stark's computer J.A.R.V.I.S. was voiced by Jude Law. Turns out to be Paul Bettany. Now why didn't I catch that?

Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) did a good job in mixing evil and comedy. Evil in that you really would hate the guy. Comedy because I was also laughing at him. He even did this sort of dance when he was walking onstage during the Hammer technological expo or somethin'. Funny guy. Hope he gets more movies after this because I think the last time I saw him was in Matchstick Men with Nicholas Cage, and that was a loooong time ago.

Samuel L. Jackson is still Samuel L Jackson in this flick. No variation at all. It's just like watching Mace Windu with an eye-patch.

Director Jon Favreau thinks that no one can nail the part of Happy Hogan except for him. Nice goin' Jon!

And oh, I think I noticed Olivia Munn playin' a reporter. She's hot still. And more so, because of her tanned look. Looks like she just came from South Beach or somethin'.

I was expecting this to be an OK flick. I didn't know that it would turn out to be this good.

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