Two words. Alpha Male.
These two words describe the UK novelty that is Gerard Butler. He is the modern day King Leonidas(who was an alpha male himself).
The plot's pretty predictable. Ex-wife who drove the ex-hubby crazy is now on the run because of felony and the ex-husband is out for revenge to get even with ex-wife and to collect bounty money. You know, that type of story.
Post-Brad Pitt Jennifer Aniston still seemed hot even in her 40's. And Mr. Butler? He is a prime alpha male specimen. I feel kinda' puny and weak when I see this guy. The only bad thing is that Gerard still chose to take on a role with his thick English accent(or Scottish or Irish or whatever. Clearly shows his non-versatility. Though I give him kudos to the fact that he's tryin' his hand at comedy and pokin' a li'l fun on himself. That's the way to go Gerard. Expand your horizons for more film offers!
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