Thursday, August 19, 2010

(my 2 cents on) Step Up 3D

3D is the shizzlenit!

Now how many times have I said that shite? I dunno'. I'm just a sucker for 3D. I'm actually a sucker for many things. I can suck your blood if you wanna.

This dance movie actually made me appreciate dancers more than I actually do. I often look at 'em as "soft", but they ain't. Their moves are hardcore as shit!

Believe it or not, I actually have watched all the Step Up flicks, thanks to my dancer sister. If I recall right, Chris Brown was in the second installment. I could also clearly remember the "Matrix Breakdancing" back in Step Up 1.

Now this 3rd(and should I say final?) Step Up installment couldn't come at a more timely manner. Not with all these 3D flicks sprouting up here and there. They just decided to cash in on the whole 3D thing, which is good for me personally because my eye always craves for candies.

The plot's kinda' stale and predictable. But who gives a fuck? All I want is for my eyes to be fed visuals. And this movie didn't disappoint.

I was ooh-in' and aaah-in so loudly, but my random movie seatmates didn't bat an eyelash. They were in awe too! Especially during the 2nd battle of the World Jam Dance Battle(or somethin' like that) where they improvised while all the water was ruining their stage. The 3D glasses were drippin' wet! That's the power of 3D!

Well enough of the damned movie experience. Here are my 2 cents...

-The lead guy looked like a rugged version of Ashton Kutcher. No kiddin'! Take a look for yourself.

-Moose was kinda cute in that he could bust moves even with all the scrawniness oozin' out of him.

-The Argentinian twins were just annoyances who added international flavor. Well I guess the black guy who had a heavy Euro accent added flavor to the mix as well. But technically, he looked like an Afro-American.

-The "Robot Dude" was ridic!

-The break-dancin' kids were really cute. Too cute for my taste to be doin' those dance moves.

-The "finger dancer" during the credits was off the chain as well! I didn't know that rollin' a joint could be translated into a dance move!

This movie warrants a passing grade of 7.5 outta 10 just because of the fact that I was blown away.

image source:

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