Sunday, August 16, 2009

G.I. Joe[The Real American Hero]

It's another "nakaka-boring" day[take note of the wrong usage of "nakaka-boring", hehe!]. I still feel drowsy after watching G.I.Joe last night. Man that film was somethin'! It seemed to somehow live up to the hype. I said "somehow" because I was a little underwhelmed by the overall action of the film or somethin'. But don't get me wrong, I was gripping the edge of my seat during the Paris, France highway chase!

All I could say is that Sienna Miller is boner town! Though Scarlett was hot too. But I would do Sienna Miller over Rachel Nichols anytime of the fuckin' day! I really don't know what the fuck Jude Law was thinkin' when he decided to do their chubby nanny and not think about how beautiful Sienna Miller was. He's really a stupid jerk!

All in all, G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra gave a different rise outta me. A lot of mixed emotions were felt while I was watchin' the movie. And based on the ending, we're sure to get our hands full on the next installment[s]. Watch out for it!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Expedia travel Bruins VS [somethin' somethin']Golden Stallions

I dont' really wanna talk much about office life[nothin' to talk about anyway except for the chicks, hehehe!], but this one is worth noting. We are in this basketball tourney and we have swept the eliminations! The last game earlier today was the last stage of the sweep.

The game was a nail-biter! Lots of errors took place, and we seem to have exposed our weakness to our opponents. We can't break the press effectively. I ain't complainin', but I should've been inserted in the most crucial parts of the game where my teammates were fumbling the ball and passin it errantly like it was a piece of shit!

When I was inserted, we broke the press effectively and we were even up by like 4 points. But when I was taken out, the inexperience and the game jitters ate some of my teammates whole! I'm not sayin' that I'm the star of the team, but basketball IQ-wise, I'm head and shoulders above everyone else!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

UFC 101[post-fight analysis]

Well for starters, the Dentist-Batman fight wasn't fiery enough. I expected more TNT but all Pellegrino did was just "blanket" the Dentist and really didn't do any significant damage. That's why Neer seemed so disgusted with himself when the final bell rang.

I didn't care much about the next couple of fights[though the Roop-Sotiropoulos fight entertained me a bit], except for the co-main events. And it didn't disappoint. Some naysayers were sayin' that Griffin will give Anderson a run for his money. Well all I saw was Forrest running to his locker room after the massacre. Anderson Silva's striking was really a thing of beauty. No words could describe it. If Anderson Silva is often said as the Michael Jordan of MMA, for me Anderson is the Neo to the UFC's Matrix!

For the Penn-Florian fight, I wasn't expectin' anythin' less than a BJ beatdown! And he didn't disappoint me on that. Except that the beatdown came in the 4th. I as expecting like a 2nd or 3rd round TKO.

All in all, great night[great day here] of fights!! Still pumped up, and of course excited for UFC 102, 103 and 104!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cory's Funeral Procession

As we speak, ex-president Cory Aquino's funeral entourage is makin' its way through Ayala Ave. Just outside the window, I see lots of people, and a lot of confetti bein' thrown out the window. i believe most of the confetti consists of shredded resumes from applicants who never made it to the final interview or somethin'.

Well the thing that irritates me is that all these people "feel" that they've been a part of Cory's life, that's why they're standing by. The problem is that these motherfucks are blocking the way, my way to QC. I don't have any alternative routes goin' to school except if I pass through Buendia, which will eat up most of my time.

I really don't have any qualms about the funeral. it's just that the stupid people are blocking the way and eating up space. Get away! Scram!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The "Suckage"[if there's such a word] of Powerade Team Pilipinas

The Powerade Team Plipinas really sucked dick in the previous Jones Cup which was held in some Asian country[I believe that it was Taiwan, or Chinese Taipei or whichever way you wanna call it]. Gabe Norwood told me that the plan was to crush the other countries. but it seemed that it was they who suffered sound thrashings from the other squads.

Foul-mouthed coach Yeng Guiao was always saying that Powerade Team Pilipinas should display speed, accurate shooting, and defense to negate the size advantage of the other countries. Well the problem is that the opposing teams are also fast, if not faster, more massive, deadlier from the outside, and more experienced when it comes to playing international basketball[which boils down to familiarity with the FIBA rules].

To add to that, RP's ball-handling was sloppy at best, and outside shooting was miserably ice-cold. That spelled the death of this futile campaign of ours. I thought this was the team to do the job. But it looks like we still have to wait for 10-15 more years to catch up with the world's style of play.

The only lone bright spot is the emergence of 6-10 Japeth Aguilar. Even with a frame as thin as mine, he showed that he has polished ofensive skills, and was also a defensive threat on the floor. He will be one of the major building blocks for the RP Team in the years to come. Watch out world!! Just kiddin'. It is us who have to do the watching.

Redhorse Muziklaban[with tatoo-an and shit]

First time I've been to Cubao Expo since it was just somethin' else beside what was formerly known as COD. We initially couldn't get in 'coz of the younger rakista kids tryin' to get into the event. They had to be 18 to get in, but these rabid kids were like 15.

I saw a lot of peepz that I thought I would never see there[except for some]. Here is a list:

-Rommel[a.k.a. "Napay"]
-Joel[a.k.a. "Tisoy"]
-some dude in our subdivision we call "Amare"['coz he looks like Amare Stoudemire!]
-Ronald[another PhilTag friend like Tisoy]
-Rhea + other friends
-Dr Mendez[or is it Mendes, like Eva?], [some gay doctor dude who has a clinic or somethin', and is seen in one of 'em ads with PAuleen Luna]
-Carlo Aquino[yep, that showbiz kid from ABS-CBN]
-Bong[Green Department's vocalist]
-Daiana Menezes[that hot Brazilian chick from Eat Bulaga]
-THe peepz[like Annestar, Ridz, Ycah, Jing, Charles, Pinta + 2 nephews, Les, VJ, Dix, Aidy, Sharley + boylet Sascha(Baron Cohen),]

Harry Potter[post-movie analysis]

What can I say about the Harry Potter movie? Well for one, if you want eye candy, well this is the movie to watch instead of opting for Public Enemies[which is better suited for the more hardcore junkies(like me!)]. Whatever J.K. Rowling could vividly describe in her books, it was clearly shown here by director David Yates and crew. Or was that not David Yates? Hmm...

Well anyway, I ain't criticizin' this film by any means. The critics say that the film's incomplete, and that it's not suited or whatever. What do critics know anyway? I say it's a pretty nice film with a comedic side tryin' to mask the darkness there is to it.

I also hadn't noticed that Emma Watson suddenly looked hot, as well as Ginny Weasley[did I spell that right?]played by whatsizname. Lots of hormones running wild through this film. Potions too are like drugs liberally took to put a pop in things.

Whatever they say about this film, all I could say about this film are 2 words..."Watch it!"

Sunday "Boring" Sunday

I remember that U2 song everytime it's Sunday, just like I remember the song "Manic Monday" by the Sundays everytime I think of Monday.

Man I shouldn't even be here in this office. Those HR fucks hadn't fixed my schedule yet. They're fuckin' gonna get it this time!

Next week's UFC 101. i requested a leave like almost 2 weeks ago. I'm gonna kill 'em if they make me work on Sunday!

Sorry for the frustration. I just need to vent it all out. This is a prelude to what's comin' up in this blog. Lots of frustration and criticism, so beware, I'm watchin' you!