Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Expedia travel Bruins VS [somethin' somethin']Golden Stallions

I dont' really wanna talk much about office life[nothin' to talk about anyway except for the chicks, hehehe!], but this one is worth noting. We are in this basketball tourney and we have swept the eliminations! The last game earlier today was the last stage of the sweep.

The game was a nail-biter! Lots of errors took place, and we seem to have exposed our weakness to our opponents. We can't break the press effectively. I ain't complainin', but I should've been inserted in the most crucial parts of the game where my teammates were fumbling the ball and passin it errantly like it was a piece of shit!

When I was inserted, we broke the press effectively and we were even up by like 4 points. But when I was taken out, the inexperience and the game jitters ate some of my teammates whole! I'm not sayin' that I'm the star of the team, but basketball IQ-wise, I'm head and shoulders above everyone else!

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