Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Losers (post-movie rant)

A good flick this definitely was. It had a comic book kinda’ format like Kick-Ass had. I didn’t know that The Losers is another remake of a DC comic book. It’s such a shame that the Hollywood flicks comin’ out nowadays are all just remakes. Where’s the originality?!? But still, as I’ve said initially, ‘twas good!

The guy who played Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) looks like a fake, larger version of Robert Downey Jr. The resemblance is very uncanny! And to think that Iron Man 2 is showin’ tomorrow here and I’ve just watched The Soloist (which starred Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr too).

The black dude who played Rougue (Idris Elba) really looks familiar. I just couldn’t recall where I’d seen him. Honestly, he looks like a muscular version of Black Eyed Pea Will I. Am.

Now Jensen (Chris Evans) really looked familiar. I knew I’ve seen him before in some flicks. I was also kinda’ stuck when I was trying to recall in which movie did I see him in. If it wasn’t for my bro shakin’ off the memory cobwebs, I wouldn’t remember that it was in Fantastic 4 where I’ve seen him in.

The other black guy named Pooch (Columbus Short) who was the driver and the Latino sniper Cougar (Oscar Jaenada) were virtually unknowns to me. I haven’t really seen ‘em before. Or rather, I don’t recall seein’ ‘em, though I’m sure I’ve seen ‘em before in some flick.

Zoe Saldana was really hot! If I were to fuck a black chick, it would be either her or Beyonce! Man she’s as hot as her character counterpart in Avatar!

I was laughin’ out loud (LOL’ing) when Jensen was singin’ Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” while infiltrating Goliath’s mainframe building. His rendition (and his steps) was somethin’ else! That for me, was the high point of the flick.

I’m out, losers!

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