Sunday, January 31, 2010

Legion[post-movie analysis]

This should've been entitled "Legion Of Doom" for the impending doomsday mankind faces in the movie. It's really creepy that a lot of movies seem to portray our apocalyptic ending vividly. Thanks to Hollywood special effects!

There I go again, veering off the topic.

Well for one thing, I thought that Legion would be epic. Seems that I could end up watching it on DVD and still die content. I always say this, I was underwhelmed by it. Though I like the fact that Lucas Black was there, because he was the Marine who said "Olongapo" in the movie Jarhead, my favorite Gulf War movie!

Another thing is Paul Bettany's perfect portrayal of Michael The Archangel. He still looked a lot like Dr MAturin. He looked nothing like the Albino Monk in The Da Vinci Code.

I also wanna comment on the hot chick in the diner. the daughter of the parents. She's so hot. Too bad she died. Hehehe!

Real-Life Movie

Just saw a taxi cab driving along the sidewalk. It's pretty weird. Usually you see that shit only in the movies or in videogames like GTA, Driver or NFS.

But this shit that I just saw occured in reality! Here in the Philippines too! Man that's how westernized this country is! Laws here are off the chain!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus[post-viewing analysis]

This is now my favorite movie of all time! It's not just because Heath Ledger's dead and this is his last film. It's not because it's packed with an all-star cast. It's not because it was created by the same creator that made Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas[Terry Gilliam]. It's beyond that!

This was a psychedelic experience. I underestimated the film with regards to how my mind would react to it. I thought I could handle the film's eccentricities, which I based on the trailer and the insights on the internet prior to the film's release. I was wrong.

I was waiting for this film for like almost 2 years. Ever since the Heath Ledger death broke out, I had gotten wind of this film already. The visuals were stunning. And the storyline? Well to me there's really no storyline. It was only the characters that existed.

And the most important character of 'em all, was of course, none other than Dr. Parnassus. Lirerally, without him, the Imaginarium wouldn't work. He must be in some sort of trance first before you could get away from this normal world.

You know what, I can't really give a good review of this film. I'm literally stumped, and am dealing still with a hangover. Not from alcohol, but I'm still hungover from this film. It shattered a lot of boundaries in how a film should be made. The all-star cast helped out a lot too because of their expertise.

I just encourage everybody to watch this masterpiece, and you be the judge. This is easily a 5 stars out of 5 for me, no doubt about that.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Daybreakers[post-viewing analysis]

Daybreakers. Nightcrawlers. Whatever! These are all just creatures of the night anyway.

I was kinda underwhelmed by the movie Daybreakers, which opened just last week here in this crappy country of ours. Crappy I say because other Southeast Asian countries get the movies first before we get our hands on it. Like Singapore for example. They are more modern and westernized than us, I know, but even though, we're USA's babies! Let Hollywood pass through us first!

I said I was underwhelmed just because I was expecting to be overwhelmed by the film. There was a lot hype surrounding this film. Especially after I read the review. But it wasn't what I expected. I guess I was expecting too much. Like all vampires there in the film would move around just like Anne Rice's vampires. That's my only disappointment.

The storyline was pretty intriguing. Who would have thought vampires, who are technically immortal, would mutate into something else if deprived of blood? And who would have thought too that being exposed to the sun and the water would make a vampire a human being once again? Pretty bogus shit if you ask me. But I can't complain. I'm just soaking it all in.

Ethan Hawke looks like he hasn't aged a single day since "Reality Bites". Or "Alive" even! Acting chops are still just as good. But I prefer Willem Dafoe's acting chops in this one. He's so relaxed with his Elvis role, that there's almost no effort when he does it.

I also find Isabel Lucas oh so hot! My girlfriend found her hot too, so her beauty knows no gender boundaries!

Sherlock Holmes[post-viewing analysis]

This movie, by far, is the best Sherlock Holmes adaptation, ever! The Master Of Deduction is one badass Brit! Who would have thought that Sherlock is a slugger who fights in front of a crowd?! Well i guess he was just looking for his chick. But the point is that this ain't in the book.

But I understand fully well that a lot of things that are not in the book are portrayed differently on film. Like Dr Watson for example. It doesn't really mention in the book that he's a fat-assed doctor. But all the cartoon adaptations and the other movies made about Sherlock Holmes shows his buddy Watson as a fat-assed doctor, gray-haired doctor with matching gray moustache.

Another element is the detective's deerstalker hat. As far as I know, the book doesn't mention this[I could be wrong, it's been a decade or so since I read my last Sherlock Holmes story]. The pipe is true. But it wasn't described in the book that Sherlock smokes a kind of pipe which looks like the modern "Sherlock Holmes Pipe". You know, those pipes that curl downward. For all we know, Sherlock's pipe is like Huck Finn's!

But everything else seemed to be in its right place. Robert Downey Jr did a good job portraying the role of the master sleuth. but the thing that I liked better than that I guess was Jude Law's rendition of Dr. Watson. Watson didn't look like Jude Law at all! He looked like Watson. And a thin Watson too at that! I guess it's the moustache that hid his identity.

If you want maximum value for your money on the weekend, watch this first! It's grossed $300 at the box office as we speak!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Finding Something To Laugh About"

I find it kinda disappointing that this cable channel Star World somehow managed to scrap The Simpsons every 6PM to replace it with something crappy like American Idol.

I don't have any problems with shows that seek talent. I just don't find the show funny. I need to laugh to release some stress.

I recall still seein' The Simpsons about a week or two before Christmas. After Christmas, it was a different story.

Good thing that there was this stupid pedestrian who got his foot[or toes]crushed by a mid-sized SUV.

He was cursing and limping in pain. But it was really stupidity on his part that caused him pain. Now who the fuck gets his foot crushed by a passing vehicle?!

What's funny was that his foot was crushed by the rear wheel! And oh, he was texting too whil crossing the street! He literally let the 2 front wheels roll by first before deciding to have his foot crushed.

Oh how I just laugh at stupidity! LOL

Monday, January 4, 2010

UFC 108[post-fight analysis]

This looked like a weak-ass card on paper. But based on experience from watching the fight game, it's these seemingly weak cards that always come up with the greatest fights!

All fights were great, except for the main event. I was delighted watching Junior Dos Santos knock Gilbert Yvel's lights out. I also loved Semtex's explosion on Hazelett. I actually picked Hazelett as far as I remember, but I already somehow predicted a Paul Daley KO! Talk about insight!

The letdown, as I was sayin',was the main event. Suga Rashad didn't do anything damaging to outpoint Thiago Silva. The UFC scoring system favors all these fucking borin' wrasslers!! And to add insult to injury, Silva could have finished Evans late in the third. But guess what, the fucker was too gassed to finish him of!

At least it was proved that Thiago Silva could hang with elite competition. That's the only consolation this fool gets...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Zombieland[post-viewing analysis]

The film is a definite hit for me. Horro and action-comedy really go hand-in-hand nowadays.

I really loved how Woody portrayed Tallahassee. He was virtually transformed into a zombie killer. "Thank God for the red necks!", he says with that southern twang.

The lead kid Columbus could've been portrayed by someone like Michael Cera, or was that me thinking that he sounded like Cera. Maybe it was because of that chick from Superbad[Jules], Wichita.

But the portrayal that I liked most was of course, Bill Murray. Who was played by none other than the late, great, Bill Murray! I say late because he died in the movie. And in a funny way too!

Tune in and watch Zombieland to check out the Zombie Kill Of The Week! Now for me, that's a nominee for Kill Of The Year!!!

Year 2010 Is The New Year 2000

Everybody had a hard year. Everybody had a good time. Everybody had a wet dream. Everybody saw the sunshine this 2009. Oh yeah!

Before you flame me guys for thinking that I stole some shit form The Beatles, I would like to say right now that the first couple of lines from this post came from that Beatles song "I've Got A Feeling".

The first line or sentence is very true to most of us. Ondoy came by like a premature orgasm. Lots of people died like Michael Jackson and Francis M. 2 of our neighbors died too! May their s0uls rest in peace. I know my time will come too.

2010 is my time, not dying time of course. I just can feel it. 2010 is gonna be big for me! Come on 2010! Show me the fuckin' money!!!