Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Losers (post-movie rant)

A good flick this definitely was. It had a comic book kinda’ format like Kick-Ass had. I didn’t know that The Losers is another remake of a DC comic book. It’s such a shame that the Hollywood flicks comin’ out nowadays are all just remakes. Where’s the originality?!? But still, as I’ve said initially, ‘twas good!

The guy who played Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) looks like a fake, larger version of Robert Downey Jr. The resemblance is very uncanny! And to think that Iron Man 2 is showin’ tomorrow here and I’ve just watched The Soloist (which starred Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr too).

The black dude who played Rougue (Idris Elba) really looks familiar. I just couldn’t recall where I’d seen him. Honestly, he looks like a muscular version of Black Eyed Pea Will I. Am.

Now Jensen (Chris Evans) really looked familiar. I knew I’ve seen him before in some flicks. I was also kinda’ stuck when I was trying to recall in which movie did I see him in. If it wasn’t for my bro shakin’ off the memory cobwebs, I wouldn’t remember that it was in Fantastic 4 where I’ve seen him in.

The other black guy named Pooch (Columbus Short) who was the driver and the Latino sniper Cougar (Oscar Jaenada) were virtually unknowns to me. I haven’t really seen ‘em before. Or rather, I don’t recall seein’ ‘em, though I’m sure I’ve seen ‘em before in some flick.

Zoe Saldana was really hot! If I were to fuck a black chick, it would be either her or Beyonce! Man she’s as hot as her character counterpart in Avatar!

I was laughin’ out loud (LOL’ing) when Jensen was singin’ Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” while infiltrating Goliath’s mainframe building. His rendition (and his steps) was somethin’ else! That for me, was the high point of the flick.

I’m out, losers!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kick-Ass (post-viewing afterthoughts)

This flick kicked ass! Literally! Another flick that was worth my hard-earned bucks.

Kick-Ass’s chick interest was kinda’ hot, but I found Hit-Girl hotter! I mean, I don’t know how a 12 year old manages to make me excrete the testosterone. I just like it oozin’! I guess she’s a natural actress, and she says the word “fucker”. Guess that’s what turned me on. Plus, she’s pretty slick with balisongs!

McLovin (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) really looked older in this flick. And I just noticed that one of Kick-Ass’s geek friends was also the young guy in the Hot Tub Time Machine.

Another familiar face was of course, Nicolas Cage himself. He has been working in a lot of films nowadays, and he still finds time to be in an indie. Amazing career-driven force that guy has!

Don’t have much to say except that this is a must-watch! Next stop…The Losers!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine (post-movie rant)

This one had a Back To The Future feel to it. I guess it’s the mom factor. You all remember Marty McFly meeting his mom in the past, right? That’s also what it was when Jacob (John Cusack’s nephew in the movie) met his mom back in 1986.

This movie really was for me. I’m an 80’s dude (well technically I’m a 90’s dude) because I was born in 1982. How 80’s could you get?!? It brought me back to that decade due to the music alone. Poison, Motley Crue, Cutting Crew, New Order, and especially that “♪Push it…♫” music. Man David Bowie was still the one doin’ the MTV advertisements! I was just wondering if there was already a Super Mario Bros. video game back in ’86. As far as I know, I was only 4 years old and it was just Ataris back then.

I also singled out some familiar faces. I know for sure that the one-armed bellboy villain in the 1st Charlie’s Angels installment. And I knew that it was Chevy Chase who was playing the hot tub repairman! That face already has a Hollywood template in my primitive mind.

I give this a 3 ½ stars out of a five due to the fact that I’m an 80’s kid!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Eugene-Roselyn Nuptials (post-wedding rant)


My cousin Eugene (a.k.a. “Yug” of Chicosci lore) just got married earlier today. 9 AM to be exact. His new wife Rose is a cute and pretty specimen of a bride. Hope that she’s as good as she looks when it comes to bein’ a wife.

I thought that the Eugene-Rose nuptials would be a boring one. I take that back. Only the initial part was considered boring by my standards. That part was the wedding mass. It’s been years since I’ve been in those masses. I don’t even go to church (which I ain’t proud of, because I get that natural high, that calm and collected feeling when you’re in spiritual places like churches and temples…) even during the holidays! And honestly, my last confession was when I did Days With The Lord back in 3rd year high (1999). What a crying shame-O!

Technically, the last wedding that I should be in prior to the Ross (Yug’s middle name’s Ross)-Rose wedding is the Ton-Diorelle wedding . But that fuckin’ graveyard shift ruined it all for me man! I was sleeping while my high school friends who were invited were all enjoying themselves in the wedding ceremonies. So in retrospect, the last wedding that I remember being in was my tito Ike and tita Precy’s wedding, which was in the early 90’s or something.

The food was good during the reception at Century Park Hotel. I was stuffed! I sampled virtually all the food! From the beef madallion forestiere (this was succulent!), to the New Orleans baby back ribs in whiskey (didn’t catch the whiskey taste), to the chicken breast filled with mozzarella (yum-yum!), to the cabbage rolls filled with ragout (dunno’ what ragout is really), to the sautéed veggies, to the fettuccini nantua with basil, to the saffron risotto (Zac Effron-Oyo Boy Sotto?), to the tuna and white beans salad, to the orange salad with sultanas, to the salad Louis (no idea what this is), to the salmon graved lax (how do you grave a salmon laxly?), to the hoisin marinated roast pork (deelish!), to the duck galantine with sauce Cumberland (Cumberland, Maryland?), to the smoked tuna platter, to the assorted cold cuts, it was all good!

Chicosci itself was also there, and they played one of their hits when the tribute video to my Tita Remy (Yug’s mom) was bein’ played. I almost cried. She would have been so happy if she was alive to witness the wedding.

From now on, I’ll attend all weddings. As the infamous Jack Sparrow always says, “Weddings! I love weddings, drinks all around!”

Date Night (post-movie rant)

This would be an aptly-named title for this kind of movie. I guess that it would also be appropriate if a couple on a date would go and see this.

The Tina Fey-Steve Carell duo was a comedic juggernaut. Top that with a Pineapple Express-like of Mr Triplehorn (James Franco), and you have a concoction of a hilarious cast! The addition of Leighton Meester (as the Fosters’ baby-sitter) and Olivia Munn (1st flick that I’ve seen her in) just added some unnoticeable hotness to the flick.

Tina Fey hasn’t changed at all since her Baby Mama days. It’s just as if you took her out of her 30-Rock filming and filmed straight away for this flick. It’s the glasses I believe that made her look the same, though I love that look. I really like my cougars to look like that, dorky-hot!

There were 2 actors that I was looking out for. Olivia Munn, because of her wacky brand of “hot” from the Attack Of The Show, and of course, James Franco. I had a feeling that he would be just as funny as he was in Pineapple Express when I saw the trailer of him doin’ the Mr. Triplehorn role. My expectations didn’t disappoint. But there was another acting gem that I discovered. It was William Fichtner (Dark Knight, Prison Break, Blades Of Glory). His acting chops were 2nd to none when he played the DA with his ever-present broom.

Mark Wahlberg wasn’t the least bit funny. From what it looks like, he could have very well just played as himself! He really looks like Mark Wahlberg himself in the flick. The only difference is the “minority report”-esque thing that he was doin’ with his computers. I bet my Vans shoes that the real Mark Wahlberg isn’t as techie.

As a whole, the movie is 2 thumbs up for me! It’s not as if it’s critically acclaimed or anything like that. It’s the perfect movie for couples, especially the married ones who are kind of stuck in a rut and need to reignite the heat that was once inside of ‘em.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

UFC 112 Invincible (post-fight rant)

The one at the bottom seems to be the official UFC 112 Invincible poster. But I somehow like the one above better because there seems to be like an old-school feel to it.

Pardon me for my geographic stupidity, but is the UAE (United Arab Emirates) in Asia (or in Asia Minor or somethin’)? As far as my stock knowledge goes, that’s a yes. So I could very well then say that UFC 112 was the 1st event ever held by the MMA promotion juggernaut In Asia. And that’s a huge and successful step for me because the UFC events are creeping towards the Philippines closer than ever!

I only called 2 of the 5 main card fights correctly. Well technically, I had a change of heart last Friday and thought that Matt Hughes would win via UD. So that should’ve been 3 out of 5. too bad I initially picked Gracie.

The 1st main card bout was al good because I really was rooting for the Filipino Wrecking Machine to wreak havoc on Kendall “The Spyder” Grove. What I expected was right on the button because the fight ended via brutal ground-and-pound! Though Mark Munoz almost got caught by a choke, courtesy of The Spyder (he was even caught flush on the chin with a SPyder uppercut) in the 1st, he calmly gathered his wits and used his wrestling skills to employ some barbaric GNP that got him the W in the 2nd round.

Next on tap was the Terry Etim-Rafael Dos Anjos fight. I was expecting Etim to win via superior striking, but sometimes my expectations turn sour too. I’m only human after all. Dos Anjos I believe won submission of the night (that’s what I head Goldberg say before the PPV came to a close) by slapping an arm bar on Etim. But I think the anaconda choke executed by that “Mr. Wonderful” guy in one of the undercard fights was more impressive than Dos Anjos’ arm bar and should’ve won sub of the night.

The Hughes-Gracie fight was a bit entertaining too, though it took some time for it to pick up some heat. I originally picked Gracie (who I should say looks like a darker version of Karo Parisyan and mind you, Renzo’s a Judo black belt too!) because based on his fights that I’ve watched, he seems to have the heavier hands, and better striking overall IMHO. I couldn’t be more wrong.

As I was saying earlier, I had a change of heart the other day, and thought instead that Hughes would win via UD. That’s exactly what I answered when I joined this online contest wherein I would get to win this Tokyo Five t-shirt if I correctly guessed who would win and how the fight would be won. If it was a decision, I had to indicate the scores on the judges’ score cards. Country boy Hughes proved almost all of us wrong by winning via TKO! He virtually used none of his wrestling. He just peppered Gracie with leg kicks till his left leg gave out.

I believe the Frankie Edgar-BJ Penn title fight is the upset of the year so far. I couldn’t imagine this happening at all ‘till I saw it with my own eyes. The Answer had all the answers for The Prodigy. He was lightning-quick at sticking and moving that I actually dubbed him Mighty Mouse right then and there. And he actually took BJ down in one of ‘em championship rounds. And take note, no lightweight has taken BJ down in 6 years! The great wrestler Sean Sherk couldn’t take BJ down. Heck even Matt Hughes at welterweight couldn’t take him down! But this li’l blurry dude Edgar did it. The Amazing Might Mouse!

Now the last fight was a disgrace. If Anderson Silva’s fight against Patrick Cote and Thales Leites lookes bad, this looked waaaaay worse! Anderson was content with just toying Demian Maia around. He literally clowned his fellow Brazilian. He’s that good! But in the process, he lost a lot of respect from a lot of fans, including this one right here.

The Spider could’ve finished Maia back in the 2nd round. He was already doing his thing which I call “The Death Dance” wherein he begins flicking his hands in a Jeet-Kune-Do style ala Bruce Lee, then switches fighting stances, from muay thai to boxing, to karate, to whatever. He’s just outta’ this world really. He even got Maia runnin’ away, terrified for dear life! But midway thru the 3rd round, Anderson looked like he lost steam and seemed content to run circles around Demian ‘till the championship rounds.

A great night of fights once again, but an anti-climactic main event.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clash Of The Titans (post-viewing rant)

This ladies and gentlemen, is Sam Worthington's breakout movie. This officially makes him a Hollywood star! He'll now be under no one else's radar. He'll be right in every producer and director's face from now on. Heck, this might even be the movie that brings him that star in the Hollywood walk of fame. Nah, just kiddin'! He's already a star via Avatar! (hey, that rhymed!)

But in any case, I was satisfied with the movie that I just viewed. This flick reminded me a lot about Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief. Greek gods galore! And I liked the Medusa here in this flick better than the Uma Thurman version in Percy Jackson. It looks more realistic, though it's CGI. I mean, if the Medusa were real, it would look more like the Clash Of the Titans version.

Lots of familiar faces once again. I'm sure I've seen Perseus' foster father in at least 3 flicks before. He was the one who played the lawyer Kobayashi in The Usual Suspects. And I'm sure he was also in one of 'em Jurassic Park flicks.

Then there was that "hot momma"-slash-MILF (Polly walker) character who played Atia of the Julii in that HBO miniseries that was Rome. Here she played the Queen of Argos. Boy she has sure aged a lot with all those additional fine lines. I'm sure botox is not her answer to MILF maintenance.

And then there's Ralph Fiennes, who we all know played the dark lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter Saga. I also have seen him recently in the Hurt Locker flick, thanks to my bro's quick eyes.

That guy who played the King of Argos was also a familiar one. My trained eye tells me that he was the one who played a captain role in King Leonidas' army of 300. He was Astinos' dad, who called out to him before he was beheaded by a Persian.

Then there was King Acrisius (Jason Flemyng) who looked like a friend whom I haven't met for quite sometime. I first saw him as the gypsy guy with Brad Pitt in the movie Snatch, and if I recall correctly, he was Dr.Jekyll in The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Princess Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) is hot hot hot! I consider this movie her rise to hotness. I was pretty sure that I've seen her in one movie or another. Lo and behold, I was right. She appeared in The Chronicles Of Riddick, which was a waste of money when I watched it on the big screen back in '04 or '05 I think.

And of course, last but not the least, Zeus! He's comin' out in the A-Team flick. Can't wait for that shit to get down! I don't need to mention his name ("he who must not be named", hahaha!). but for you giblets not in the know, he was once Qui-Gon Jin. From, "There's pod-racing too in Malastare[or was that spelled Malastair), very fast, very dangerous..." to "Release the Kraken!"