Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Eugene-Roselyn Nuptials (post-wedding rant)


My cousin Eugene (a.k.a. “Yug” of Chicosci lore) just got married earlier today. 9 AM to be exact. His new wife Rose is a cute and pretty specimen of a bride. Hope that she’s as good as she looks when it comes to bein’ a wife.

I thought that the Eugene-Rose nuptials would be a boring one. I take that back. Only the initial part was considered boring by my standards. That part was the wedding mass. It’s been years since I’ve been in those masses. I don’t even go to church (which I ain’t proud of, because I get that natural high, that calm and collected feeling when you’re in spiritual places like churches and temples…) even during the holidays! And honestly, my last confession was when I did Days With The Lord back in 3rd year high (1999). What a crying shame-O!

Technically, the last wedding that I should be in prior to the Ross (Yug’s middle name’s Ross)-Rose wedding is the Ton-Diorelle wedding . But that fuckin’ graveyard shift ruined it all for me man! I was sleeping while my high school friends who were invited were all enjoying themselves in the wedding ceremonies. So in retrospect, the last wedding that I remember being in was my tito Ike and tita Precy’s wedding, which was in the early 90’s or something.

The food was good during the reception at Century Park Hotel. I was stuffed! I sampled virtually all the food! From the beef madallion forestiere (this was succulent!), to the New Orleans baby back ribs in whiskey (didn’t catch the whiskey taste), to the chicken breast filled with mozzarella (yum-yum!), to the cabbage rolls filled with ragout (dunno’ what ragout is really), to the sautéed veggies, to the fettuccini nantua with basil, to the saffron risotto (Zac Effron-Oyo Boy Sotto?), to the tuna and white beans salad, to the orange salad with sultanas, to the salad Louis (no idea what this is), to the salmon graved lax (how do you grave a salmon laxly?), to the hoisin marinated roast pork (deelish!), to the duck galantine with sauce Cumberland (Cumberland, Maryland?), to the smoked tuna platter, to the assorted cold cuts, it was all good!

Chicosci itself was also there, and they played one of their hits when the tribute video to my Tita Remy (Yug’s mom) was bein’ played. I almost cried. She would have been so happy if she was alive to witness the wedding.

From now on, I’ll attend all weddings. As the infamous Jack Sparrow always says, “Weddings! I love weddings, drinks all around!”

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