Monday, December 21, 2009

The Alpha Female Experience

[12-18-09, 2250]

Just chillin' right here at the back of some stage at one of 'em gimmick spots. I believe I'm in Metrowalk.

Well anyway, here I was sittin' just a couple of minutes ago, when a group of chicks walked by. Now this was nit just an ordinary bunch of chicks. This was a solid core of chicks man!! And walkin' up front was their "Alpha Female"! Their leader! Even in the looks department, she leads 'em all! She's half Belgian I bet. Man she's a stunner! She could be the devil herself for all I know.

Now this wasn't just any alpha female who's complacent and shit. She's of the aggressive variety. she fuckin' played the starin' game at me while walkin' away.

Am I supposed to follow her? In her dreams I guess!

Avatar 3D[post-viewing analysis]

As I quote someone named GPA, "Avatar is the new Matrix!".

Well i say 2 things:

-"Blue is the new hot!"
-"Humans are the new aliens!"

You'd get what i mean when you watch this James Cameron flick...

I really was blown away[really sounds cliche] by this film. A big factor about this gettin' blown away thing was the fact that this was my first3D movie viewing experience! I was fockin' overwhelmed! Throw in the fact that I was quite smashed by hash, things were suddenly a lot trippier!

The 3D glasses too were a little new to me for I was used to the traditional 3D glasses. You know, one with the blue lens, the other one with the red lens. This one was all clear! No colors whatsoever. Well, a little gray for me.

I initially thought that the only time we would were the 3D glasses was when the film was already rollin'. So when I entered the theater and it was showing the trailers, I was gettin' visuals on the silver screen that were suddenly fuzzying on the edges once in a while. I couldn't also comprehend the colors shown in front of me.

I thought it was just the hash, but I started thinkin' about wearing the glasses. Maybe they would have a nicer effect on the movin' pictures[man what an old school term to use]. Lo and behold! There was the pristine vision of backgrounds and foregrounds intertwining with each other. The figures on the screen were literally popping out!

The subtitles for the Omaticaya language were popping out of the screen too! And so were the insects livin' in Pandora. It seemed like you could trap them with the palm of your hand!

Well, all I can say about this experience extraordinaire is that "3D is the new HD!'

Amelia[post-viewing analysis]

Just watched Amelia last week. It really shows that I really don't have time to blog nowadays. Holidays are too near. I'm tryin' to maximize the "feel" of Christmas. As a Neo-Pagan, I wanna truly feel the spirit of Christmas, which actually has its roots from paganism. Jesus' birthday ain't on December 25th. It's more of like sometime in March.

Well goin' back to the movie, I say the movie did Amelia Earhart lots of justice. She really is that good! A good aviator, and a freemind! Bein' a "freemind" for me means that you are not afraid to take risks, or at most, to die!

I also am amazed because Hilary Swank is quite a specimen, in that she looks a lot like the real life Amelia! Hands down to the movie's casting crew!

I just wanna comment on how few the people were in the cinema. We watched it at SM City, which has big cinemas too. But there were only like 6 people total in the cinema. But I don't know. I was at the premiere, and I couldn't really see the deluxe section down below. I guess it's like the 2nd or almost 3rd week of bein' shown here in the Philippines, that's it...


I wonder why chicks look so normal and shit, but they look hot when they're in a club or beach setting. Take for example these chicks last night at Embassy[w/c is now actually "Encore"]. At the office, they look ok and stuff. But when they were scantily clad last night, they were on a whole new level!

I was so smashed by liquor, that I really didn't care who I was dancing with. They thought I rocked and rolled, but I was more suitable to the dance floor than they were. Am I versatile or what?!?

I even had some extra stubs for beverages and liquor but the free beer just kept on comin'!! I just said, "Bring 'em on!"

And oh, there was this chick[I remembered her tellin' me that her name was Sha or somethin']. Man she looked fine as hell! She could've been the devil herself. And I was honored to be rubbin booties with her as she danced like she was the dancing queen or somethin'.

And I was too pissed by liquor to go to work, so I just ended up like a stuffed mannequin in bed. Motionless and dead! Hungover and felt like I got hit by a truck. Thanks to my good buds CJ and Edu that I was an extra notch more drunk. Those alcoholics! Hehehe!

A Christmas Carol[post-viewing analysis]

Jim Carrey is still a funny guy after all. He made me laugh at his li'l actions and facial expressions as Ebenezer Scrooge. I also find his grumpiness and his generosity[or lack of it] quite amusing.

I really couldn't say any negatives about the movie. It was the perfect adaptation of Charles Dickens' book that Disney could ever do! Everything was just all right!

I loved all the ghosts[or as Scrooge calls 'em, spirits!]! I even thought that the ghost of Christmas yet-to-come was Jesus Christ because of the silhouette.

There were also some scenes wherein I was suddenly shouting as if shocked from the sound and image on the screen. Just like watching a horror flick. Especially when the last spirit was chasing Scrooge, I kinda jumped out of my seat when the demonic phantom horses appeared. Scary!

I really don't wanna go on a rant regurgitating the same shit that happened in the movie. All I can say is that you better watch it because I give my 2 thumbs up for this flick! And when I raise these two thumbs up, that just means it's a guaranteed barn-burner[or should I say theater burner]!

The Old Man And The Traffic Kid[who's actually older than me]

[12-15-09, 1805]

Somethin' funny's happened a few hours ago. I was boardin' this jeep in Ayala Ave when the Makati version of an MMDA traffic man got into a heated argument with the driver of the jeep I was ridin'.

The traffic guy was addressin' the driver as "tanda" or old man while he[traffic guy] was telling his ass goin' because that spot ain't a terminal.

Apparently the driver didn't like bein' called an old man. I guess he can't face the ugly truth that Father Time has finally caught up with him. Maybe he's unaware of the fact that no one beats Father Time[except God, or is He Father Time too?].

Well anyway, there they were, cursin' at each other like fools just because of the "old man" comment.

IMO, that traffic guy doesn't have any manners or etiquette because he didn't respect his elders. Well I guess it was the old man's fault too because he was the one who cursed first. Even a calm guy like me would blow up a fuse if I heard that douche spewin' that shit on me.

Rakrakan XI

[12-13-09, 1420]

This Rakrakan thing was supposed to start early. Like 7PM or somethin'. And yet I arrived at like past midnight. A very fashionably late arrival!

Of course I couldn't pass up on a party, that's why I was smashed when I reached Blue Wave. There was actually another party that I was supposed to attend, but I'm just one motherfucker. I wished my dopplegangers could attend the other parties.

I was kinda underwhelmed by Chicosci's performance. I think Miggy's voice is deteriorating. The rest of the bands, I really don't care about that much. Except for this one metal band that I'm liking lately. Intolerant. Though I wasn't able to watch the metalheads because of my tardiness.

All in all, this rakrakan is more favorable for me. Cheap beer, and a cooler venue. Not like Takaaki's. That's one of a hellhole right there...