Monday, December 21, 2009

The Old Man And The Traffic Kid[who's actually older than me]

[12-15-09, 1805]

Somethin' funny's happened a few hours ago. I was boardin' this jeep in Ayala Ave when the Makati version of an MMDA traffic man got into a heated argument with the driver of the jeep I was ridin'.

The traffic guy was addressin' the driver as "tanda" or old man while he[traffic guy] was telling his ass goin' because that spot ain't a terminal.

Apparently the driver didn't like bein' called an old man. I guess he can't face the ugly truth that Father Time has finally caught up with him. Maybe he's unaware of the fact that no one beats Father Time[except God, or is He Father Time too?].

Well anyway, there they were, cursin' at each other like fools just because of the "old man" comment.

IMO, that traffic guy doesn't have any manners or etiquette because he didn't respect his elders. Well I guess it was the old man's fault too because he was the one who cursed first. Even a calm guy like me would blow up a fuse if I heard that douche spewin' that shit on me.

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