Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Power Of Red Horse!

Red Horse beer is in a class of its own, I'm tellin' 'ya. Foreigners may tell you that their beer is stronger in like England or Germany(some Americans and Canadians even claim that their beer's better). So far, Colt 45 is the only foreign strong beer that I've encountered.

Well the point of my blog is all about the power of Red Horse beer. I witnessed it first hand last Friday night. Only one liter of this brew made me dizzy and in slow-motion. In short, I was pissed-drunk!

But yesterday, I drank more than thrice, or even quadruple of the amount that I drank last Friday night, but I was still alive and kicking! What I did yesterday was surprisingly even more strenuous than what I did Friday.

Last Friday, I woke up at around 11AM, went to school in the afternoon, and proceeded to drink beer when I got home. By 10PM, I was shot by the horse!

But yesterday, I had to wake up at 7AM, play basketball till noon, drink a couple of beers(I'm just not sure that it was Red Horse though) with my office friends at Gerry's, went to school again, then went to Eastwood with the D-Boys(my high school friends, section D, hence the moniker)and downed around 7 or 8 bottles of San-Mig Lite.

And yet, I was still normal enough to go home at around 12:45 AM( I couldn't join 'em in the clubs 'coz I was wearing shorts, punk-rock style). I swear that I still could drive normally if I brought the car.

That story right there just points out how potent Red Horse is. 1 Liter of Red Horse VS 3 or 4 liters of mixed beers. You be the judge!

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