Monday, December 21, 2009

The Alpha Female Experience

[12-18-09, 2250]

Just chillin' right here at the back of some stage at one of 'em gimmick spots. I believe I'm in Metrowalk.

Well anyway, here I was sittin' just a couple of minutes ago, when a group of chicks walked by. Now this was nit just an ordinary bunch of chicks. This was a solid core of chicks man!! And walkin' up front was their "Alpha Female"! Their leader! Even in the looks department, she leads 'em all! She's half Belgian I bet. Man she's a stunner! She could be the devil herself for all I know.

Now this wasn't just any alpha female who's complacent and shit. She's of the aggressive variety. she fuckin' played the starin' game at me while walkin' away.

Am I supposed to follow her? In her dreams I guess!

Avatar 3D[post-viewing analysis]

As I quote someone named GPA, "Avatar is the new Matrix!".

Well i say 2 things:

-"Blue is the new hot!"
-"Humans are the new aliens!"

You'd get what i mean when you watch this James Cameron flick...

I really was blown away[really sounds cliche] by this film. A big factor about this gettin' blown away thing was the fact that this was my first3D movie viewing experience! I was fockin' overwhelmed! Throw in the fact that I was quite smashed by hash, things were suddenly a lot trippier!

The 3D glasses too were a little new to me for I was used to the traditional 3D glasses. You know, one with the blue lens, the other one with the red lens. This one was all clear! No colors whatsoever. Well, a little gray for me.

I initially thought that the only time we would were the 3D glasses was when the film was already rollin'. So when I entered the theater and it was showing the trailers, I was gettin' visuals on the silver screen that were suddenly fuzzying on the edges once in a while. I couldn't also comprehend the colors shown in front of me.

I thought it was just the hash, but I started thinkin' about wearing the glasses. Maybe they would have a nicer effect on the movin' pictures[man what an old school term to use]. Lo and behold! There was the pristine vision of backgrounds and foregrounds intertwining with each other. The figures on the screen were literally popping out!

The subtitles for the Omaticaya language were popping out of the screen too! And so were the insects livin' in Pandora. It seemed like you could trap them with the palm of your hand!

Well, all I can say about this experience extraordinaire is that "3D is the new HD!'

Amelia[post-viewing analysis]

Just watched Amelia last week. It really shows that I really don't have time to blog nowadays. Holidays are too near. I'm tryin' to maximize the "feel" of Christmas. As a Neo-Pagan, I wanna truly feel the spirit of Christmas, which actually has its roots from paganism. Jesus' birthday ain't on December 25th. It's more of like sometime in March.

Well goin' back to the movie, I say the movie did Amelia Earhart lots of justice. She really is that good! A good aviator, and a freemind! Bein' a "freemind" for me means that you are not afraid to take risks, or at most, to die!

I also am amazed because Hilary Swank is quite a specimen, in that she looks a lot like the real life Amelia! Hands down to the movie's casting crew!

I just wanna comment on how few the people were in the cinema. We watched it at SM City, which has big cinemas too. But there were only like 6 people total in the cinema. But I don't know. I was at the premiere, and I couldn't really see the deluxe section down below. I guess it's like the 2nd or almost 3rd week of bein' shown here in the Philippines, that's it...


I wonder why chicks look so normal and shit, but they look hot when they're in a club or beach setting. Take for example these chicks last night at Embassy[w/c is now actually "Encore"]. At the office, they look ok and stuff. But when they were scantily clad last night, they were on a whole new level!

I was so smashed by liquor, that I really didn't care who I was dancing with. They thought I rocked and rolled, but I was more suitable to the dance floor than they were. Am I versatile or what?!?

I even had some extra stubs for beverages and liquor but the free beer just kept on comin'!! I just said, "Bring 'em on!"

And oh, there was this chick[I remembered her tellin' me that her name was Sha or somethin']. Man she looked fine as hell! She could've been the devil herself. And I was honored to be rubbin booties with her as she danced like she was the dancing queen or somethin'.

And I was too pissed by liquor to go to work, so I just ended up like a stuffed mannequin in bed. Motionless and dead! Hungover and felt like I got hit by a truck. Thanks to my good buds CJ and Edu that I was an extra notch more drunk. Those alcoholics! Hehehe!

A Christmas Carol[post-viewing analysis]

Jim Carrey is still a funny guy after all. He made me laugh at his li'l actions and facial expressions as Ebenezer Scrooge. I also find his grumpiness and his generosity[or lack of it] quite amusing.

I really couldn't say any negatives about the movie. It was the perfect adaptation of Charles Dickens' book that Disney could ever do! Everything was just all right!

I loved all the ghosts[or as Scrooge calls 'em, spirits!]! I even thought that the ghost of Christmas yet-to-come was Jesus Christ because of the silhouette.

There were also some scenes wherein I was suddenly shouting as if shocked from the sound and image on the screen. Just like watching a horror flick. Especially when the last spirit was chasing Scrooge, I kinda jumped out of my seat when the demonic phantom horses appeared. Scary!

I really don't wanna go on a rant regurgitating the same shit that happened in the movie. All I can say is that you better watch it because I give my 2 thumbs up for this flick! And when I raise these two thumbs up, that just means it's a guaranteed barn-burner[or should I say theater burner]!

The Old Man And The Traffic Kid[who's actually older than me]

[12-15-09, 1805]

Somethin' funny's happened a few hours ago. I was boardin' this jeep in Ayala Ave when the Makati version of an MMDA traffic man got into a heated argument with the driver of the jeep I was ridin'.

The traffic guy was addressin' the driver as "tanda" or old man while he[traffic guy] was telling his ass goin' because that spot ain't a terminal.

Apparently the driver didn't like bein' called an old man. I guess he can't face the ugly truth that Father Time has finally caught up with him. Maybe he's unaware of the fact that no one beats Father Time[except God, or is He Father Time too?].

Well anyway, there they were, cursin' at each other like fools just because of the "old man" comment.

IMO, that traffic guy doesn't have any manners or etiquette because he didn't respect his elders. Well I guess it was the old man's fault too because he was the one who cursed first. Even a calm guy like me would blow up a fuse if I heard that douche spewin' that shit on me.

Rakrakan XI

[12-13-09, 1420]

This Rakrakan thing was supposed to start early. Like 7PM or somethin'. And yet I arrived at like past midnight. A very fashionably late arrival!

Of course I couldn't pass up on a party, that's why I was smashed when I reached Blue Wave. There was actually another party that I was supposed to attend, but I'm just one motherfucker. I wished my dopplegangers could attend the other parties.

I was kinda underwhelmed by Chicosci's performance. I think Miggy's voice is deteriorating. The rest of the bands, I really don't care about that much. Except for this one metal band that I'm liking lately. Intolerant. Though I wasn't able to watch the metalheads because of my tardiness.

All in all, this rakrakan is more favorable for me. Cheap beer, and a cooler venue. Not like Takaaki's. That's one of a hellhole right there...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon[post-viewing analysis]

I ain't really a fan of the Twilight saga. I haven't even read Twilight. I didn't do any homework before entering the movie house to watch the 2nd installment of the series. And yet, I have this natural inkling that I know everything that's gonna happen. Maybe i should just start readin' the damn book!

I actually liked New Moon way better than its predecessor[though I can't wait for The Vampire's Assistant and The Wolfman]because there was more action! I didn't know that werewolves could run faster than vampires. All this time, I thought that vampires were the shiznit!

Opening day was jam-packed! The theater was close to selling out with lots of college teens here and there. I hated standing in line with all those peepz, waitin' to get my reserved tix. I only liked how they reacted when Eddie Cullen was initially shown and when the wolfboy Jacob showed his sculpture of a body.

There were dreamy sighs and giggles here and there when these 2 scenes were shown. Edward Cullen's initial shot made teen girls sigh and scream a li'l bit. It was the innocent type like teenyboppers clamoring dreamily for the Beatles.

Jacob's body shot on the other hand, made the more sexually aggressive ladies make audible utterances to themselves while the wannabe alpha males in the sudience made sounds of intimidation and I guess a li'l bit of jealousy[because I guess they won't have a body such as Jacob's in 5 lifetimes] by exclaimin' "Whoah!!"

That was your local audience right there ladies and gentlemen.

2012[post-viewing analysis]

2012 is Typhoon Ondoy to the nth power. It's the ultimate disaster movie. It's total chaos and destruction. It's the apocalypse laced with extinction!

The remarkable thing is that humans aren't that easy to exterminate. We're too smart for that shit. If that "End Of Days" thing were true, then we somehow managed to outlive the roaches, which have been in existence for millions of years.

The problem in this movie is that salvation is reserved for a limited few and not for the worthy. Salvation can be bought for a couple hundred thousand or at least a million euros[I forgot the exact amount in the movie].

I know that what happened in the movie is virtually next to impossible. It's just that I found it absolutely bogus that John Cusack[a.k.a. "Curtis Jackson"]and family somehow survived and got out of California. Jackson was literally threading needles while driving a semi-strech limo! I kknow that it ain't real because it's justa movie. But that was really insane!

At least I saw another bright spot on the film, and that is Woody Harrelson's eccentric performance. I bet my balls he's like that in real life!

Friday, November 6, 2009

More Than A Game[post-viewing analysis]

The story of LeBron James and the Fab 5 was nice and all. Like a Cinderella story or somethin'. But I was just a tad bit underwhelmed when the movie ended. I don't know what the missin' factor was that could make this good documentary into a great documentary.

Well originally, they were the Fab 4[just like John, Paul, George, and Ringo]. Four country boys from Akron, OH who were dismantling top-seeded teams from other well known places like New York and California. They literally went from nobodies, to up and comers, to champions!

And LeBron was just amazin'. He was doin' things that were almost unheard of before, like doin' between the leg dunks during a high school game or stuff like that. Well I'm sure somebody else has done that, but James was the first guy that I was aware of who could do that.

The story of LeBron James proves that talent and hard work could get you to the "toppermost of the poppermost"[just like John Lennon says it]. I couldn't really say much because as I've said, I was pretty underwhelmed. I should've watched Astroboy instead because I'd rather watch More Than A Game on dvd.

500 Days Of Summer[post-viewing analysis]

Nice flick. Neatly done. If it were a book, I would call it an easy read.

We were warned in the beginning of the movie that it wasn't a love story. Oh how false that movie narrator turned out to be! And who would have thought that the motherfucker was Samuel L Jackson himself?!

There was kissin', and sex[shower] here and there. There was even heartbreak and marriage. Though Tom and summer weren't married. Summer seemed to marry someone she met while readin' Dorian Gray stuff.

I just wanna say that Zooey Deschanel kinda looked like Katy Perry, though not as hot as Katy because Katy's more of the voluptuous type. Zooey's like the Katy Perry prototype or somethin'. But still, Zooey was enchanting. Her eyes were like black holes, ready to suck me in.

I loved how they made references to some of my favorite musicians. Namely, The SMiths, Belle and Sebastian, and The Beatles. They even mentioned that BElle and Sebastian song, 'The Boy With The Arab Strap". Lovely stuff! Lovely flick! Lovely Zooey!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

This Is It[post-movie analysis]

Only 2 words would sum up my Michael Jackson description in this movie. Sheer Genius!

One instance of his sheer genius was when he was about to signal the start of Smooth Criminal. He was sayin' that he was gonna give the cue so the musicians would know when the music would start. But the director was pointin' out that they would start when a certain shot was shown on the big screen and MJ was not facin' it so the director asked, "Michael, how would you know when the start would be? You're not seein' the screen."

Michael answered just like a genius should answer. "I would just feel it." Or somethin' to that effect.

Overall, This Is It was a good documentary. I'm actually givin' it a B+ or even A[because I'm a biased Michael Jackson fan]. I really got my money's worth watchin' this film.

The only flaw[if I would call it a flaw] was that they didn't warn the audience that the film was about to end. Like for example, I didn't have a clue that it was already their last night rehearsing. Or that it was 12 hrs before Jackson died. If I hadn't read an article about that, I wouldn't know. Good for me I'm the informed type.

Monday, October 19, 2009


I came home kinda drunk from Shaw Blvd last Friday due to the fabled Rakistalympics. I was supposed to play, or at least watch the game from the sidelines. But I ended up drinkin' with Zep and friends.

I came in with Allan, and I saw a lot of old faces there. These are the following faces that I saw[or remembered]: Ridz, Ehmz, Charles, Dong, Neil[both], Nixon, Shad, "kulet"[I forgot his name], Andren, Ichie, Dix, Melody, Les, Jam, Metoolow, Jane, Jing, and many more[I remember faces, but names, not too much].

I also had new drinkin' buddies too last Friday like Kay[who paid for the drinks and the food, thanks to her], Jay, Alcoholic[I forgot whatzis name], Yummy Dingding[yep, that's her real name], Andern[who had a shot or 2], Bong. Some mainstays were also there who I've drunk with before like the 2 Neils, and somebody else, I forgot his name.

Well anyway, it was nice drinkin' with Zep again. It's been ages since I've drank some liquor with the dude. We had a lot of catching up, and I also had a blast because I actually found out that Yummy's real name was really Yummy fuckin' Dingding! Now what the fuck is up with that shit?!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Inglorious Basterds[post-movie analysis]

This latest work by Quentin Tarantino deserves a mention here due to the fact that I like the German scalping! Truly hardcore! Wish the story were true though.

Once again, Brad Pitt has given us one of his finest performances to date. I just love Lt. Aldo Rain's Tennessee[did I spell that right? Too lazy to google it up] accent. And I just love how he winces his face when Col. Landa[a GErman SS] suspiciously questions Diane Kruger's cast. Oscar material!

As usual, it was one of Tarantino's gory and bloody films! We were wincing when the Jewish-American Nazi slayers were scalping the heads of caught Nazi officers. Very hardcore indeed! Plus The Bear Jew's battering of the NAzi's head using a baseball bat gives a sudden rush!

Plus, Melanie Laurent[who played Shosanna Dreyfus a.k.a. Emmanuelle(did I fuckin' spell that right too?!) Mimieux] is a new crush of mine. I just love the French since high school I reckon. I actually like her more than Diane Kruger. So hot[w/those li'l lovely boobs]!

All in all. Inglorious Basterds is a winner! And that's an understatement ladies and gents...

Monday, October 12, 2009

The SSS Riddle

There's just one thing that I hate about government institutions like the SSS and Pag-Ibig[some housing loan bullshit]. It is the fact that they have our money and we still have to loan our own money from them!

I really don't get it. I mean why the fuck do we have to loan our very own money?! Money that is deducted from our salary every month! Very unreal! And unfair to say the least!

Sorry if I tend to use exclamation points, but I just want to prove my point here. It is OUR money for fuck's sake!!!


All this time, I thought Typhoon Pepang was just an overrated dumbfuck. I didn't feel any of its effects so I thought that it was all hype.

But that was 'till yesterday, when I managed to watch the news. I didn't know the typhoon wreaked so much havoc in the northern part of this island to the point of the government[Dept. of Agriculture] scratching their heads and thinkin' about the next harvest. Indeed, typhoons are worse than locusts!

The Great Flood of '09

Last Saturday was the Great Flood of '09. I've been livin' in Cainta for like 23 years or somethin', but this was the only time that this has happened!

I could only laugh everytime I felt like cryin' because a lot of our stuff was ruined! The only stuff that we managed to salvage were the 2 PCs and monitors plus the smaller television. Our big livin' room TV, together with our ref was submerged!

My important scool stuff was also underwater, and the livin' room looked eeriely liked the Titanic when it was fillin' up with seawater. Our furniture was mostly wooden, so it floated. Hence, the Titanic effect.

All I could say is, thank you God for this tradegy. I'm definitely gonna level up from this experience. I guess you sometimes just have to take the good and the bad with the ugly. and all this is really ugly, and disgusting! Now that I've felt God's wrath, I am complete.

UFC 103[post-fight analysis]

A very initially underwhelming card turned out to be a great night[well it was day here] of fights!

Tyson Griffin shut every critics' mouth up by stopping Hermes Franca on the feet. We all thought that it would be another boring decision.

Now for the Koscheck-Trigg fight, I relied on Trigg's old schoolness too much. Indeed, Koscheck is Trigg version 2.0

The Brit Paul "Semtex" daley actually surprised me. I was dissin' this guy, always tellin' that he was overrated and stuff, then now he knocks out Kampmann with ease. I was liuterallt shut up!

For the co-main event, it's all clear that Cro Cop's done! All he did was shove Junior Dos Santos away. Now that's not the way to win against a hungry up and comer.

Finally, Vitor Belfort really looked impressive. He seems to be finding his rhythm during his last few fights and looks like The Phenom of old.

Right from the start, I knew Rich Franklin was gonna be murdered. And murdered he was. Hopefully we're looking at another potential Anderson Silva challenger. And a legit one at that!

Number One/Numero uno[post-fight analysis]

Money looked like he was "on the money" everytime he landed one of those stiff jabs and straights of his. Marquez is a monster, but he became just an imaginary monster. Mayweather just outright outclassed him right from the get-go!

Next thing for Mayweather is the Pacman superfight. There would be no sense in him facing Mosley in the ring because Shane's too old man! Face Pac-Man in his prime to determine who the #1 Pound-for-Pound fighter is!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Bruno[post-viewing analysis]

I didn't get to watch Bruno for the movie only lasted a week in theaters. I bet the Filipino mainstream couldn't handle it, so it wasn't a smashing success here in the Philippines.

But now I had already watched it, thanks to a pirated DVD copy. Heck, the subtitles were even all correct![or 98% of 'em for that matter]

Sacha really took it to another level this time. The gay thing really wasn't for me, but I was still laughing out loud! Sacha is really a genius when it comes to pissin' off the public.

Bruno, for me, is the Borat of 2009. Similar storyline, similar characters, but the antics were all together different. I'm tellin' 'ya, you guys will be shocked if you watched it. I can't criticize the film for what do I know? Or rather, what do critics know anyway?

But there's one thing that I'll guarantee if you get to watch this film. You will burst out laughing!

The Taylor-Kanye Fiasco

The MTV VMAs 2009 spectacle just recently caused a lot of outrage to the music fans all around the world. From the little kids[who look up to Taylor I believe]here to the concerned moms in the US, this demonstration of arrogance by Kanye really has a lot of people peeved.

I for one, am bothered by the fact that someone as beautiful as Taylor would be disrespected. I mean, who would dare attempt to display insolence in front of such exquisiteness. I definitely wouldn't want to be on Taylor's bad side because honestly, I wanna be personal buds with the country singer.

Well anyway, I know that Kanye is apoligizin' publicly right now[] and honestly says that he's in the wrong on that one. But I just don't like the excuses that he's makin'.

He's sayin' that he acted strangely that night because his mom died like what, almost 2 years ago?! Fuck that bullcrap!

I mean, move on man. Your mom's in a happier place right now, so let her be. You're old enough to know what's right or wrong anyway.

Well I ain't sayin' that he was usin' his mom to justify his actions. I was just sayin' that he doesn't have to make any excuses as to what caused him to act foolishly.

Nice rap technique and words though Mr. Kanye. But your personality sucks!!

Piss-Drunken Master

Alcohol really has my number real bad. I don't know why but for some strange reason, alcohol almost completely erases my memory. I always can't seem to remember how I got home.

Last night was a perfect example. I was at Jason's house drinkin' because it's his b-day. I was even supposed to go to school for a fuckin' night class, but I ditched that and opted for alcohol consumption instead.

I don't know what time we ended, but I do remember arrivin' at home at around midnight. The problem was that I can't remember how I got home. I don't even know if Ron accompanied me at all. I don't even fockin' remember how we parted ways.

All I remember was that I was on a tricycle ridin' towards my house and I suddenly felt the strong urge of excess alcohol wanting to burst outta' my bladder. But instead of askin' the driver to pull over so I could relieve myself, I was too piss-drunk to do that and instead, I chose the easy way out.

I fuckin' urinated while sittin' down. It sounds disgusting to everyone, but it's funny to me. I mean, I really think it's hilarious because lazyness really caused me to do that!

Solar Sport's/Basketball TV's false Advertising?

I would just like to rant about Solar Sports here. Or Basketball TV[a.k.a."btv"] if you would like to call it that.

It's just that I feel so disappointed that they are not showing the live coverage of the Eurobasket thing. I'm a natural basketball junkie, so I really need to get my basketball fix once in a while[just like I need my MMA fix almost everyday].

But I wouldn't really feel satisfied watchin' basketball if I'm watching the Linas Kleiza or the Andrei Kirilenko of 2007! I actually was deceived last night because they[BTV] were showing the semis game between Lithuania and Russia from almost 2 years ago!

At first I said "Hey, JR Holden and AK-47 are in the lineup after all[somebody told me they weren't]. Then after a couple of minutes, I realized that I was bein' ripped off! "This shit isn't from the same day!" I said. After all this talk from that BTV hostess[ forgot the name of that Chinese-lookin' chick]that they're doin' a full coverage , this is what I'm gonna get?! Bullshit!

Edu's Birthday[The Aftermath]

Here I am, a wasted motherfucker. Came from Sampaloc Manila last night to drink just a couple of rounds. What happened instead was I drank a lot more than just a couple of rounds!

I really am weak in drinking alcohol nowadays. Just a couple of bottles could really knock me out. Especially those redhorses? Man they really pack a mean punch. Like one of Anderson Silva's. I'm already wasted last night while my drinkin' buddies were still up and running! What's more, some of them were girls. Now doesn't that show what type of loser I am? Hehe, NOT!!

I better rest. There's another birthday drinkin' session later. This one's for Winson[did I spell that right] a.k.a."Pintadoz". Pasay is the place to be later, more specifically, Triple RJ Bar is where it's gonna be at. Gotta go! To rest that is.

The Yacht[s]

I just had a dinner cruise with some peepz along Manila Bay when I had this vision. A vision of me being filthy rich!

I already had this vision before, as in a long long time ago. These yachts caught my eye, and these metallic dreadnaughts[or is this how the fuck you spell it? the spell checker's sayin' otherwise...too busy to look it up on google]are really a status thing! Just save up somethin' like 20-50 million Php and you've got it made!

And oh, almost forgot to mention. I don't know what happened back there, but I suddenly found myself singin' "Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang" in a duet, and I was doin' Ogie Alcasid's part[or whoever that was that originally sang that shite]. GOod times man, good fuckin' times...

Sweet Potato

Man I was a sweet potato during our Math 13 midterms. In vernacular terms, "ako'y nangamote". I didn't get anything right even if I had a cheat sheet! What a fuckin' loser, right?

Guess I'm really too cool for school and I don't need a dang diploma. Hopefully that's true. I really don't know what to do with my scholastic life. Just keepin' the parents happy I guess...

UFC 102[post fight analysis]

Once again, a satisfying night[day here] of fights!

Vera showed why he's too much for Soszynski[or however the fuck you wanna spell his name out]! I'm really awaiting the day Anderson Silva gets to face Brandon Vera. I know that's too much to ask, but come on. Who doesn't want to see detonation? Good win for Brandon. Pilipino! Pilipino! Pilipino! Bebot Bebot be-Bebot Bebot!

Next stop is the Leben-Rosholt fight. This clearly shows how "lower-tier" Leben has become. He's a C-level gatekeeper at best. Even on the roids, he wasn't fast enough. Really looked slow and sluggish. Rosholt on the other hand, shows us that excellent wrestling peppered with good jiu-jitsu could get you the W. Leben only has bricks for fists while Rosholt is more well rounded, which is what every aspiring champ should be[check out GSP].

The Maia-Marquardt really shocked me because of the devastating fashion displayed in the right hand that caused the stoppage. Royce Gracie 2.0 really didn't have any hands to begin with, so The Great just exploited this and gave us a glimpse of what happened to Arlovski before when he faced Fedor.

Dean Of Mean-Thiago Silva was of no surprise to me. I saw the outcome of that fight in a crystal ball ever since that match-up was announced by Joe Silva[though I got 4 picks out of 10 wrong]. I actually saw a split-screen on the crystal ball's image. One was showing Thiago pounding Jardine out in the 1st round, and the other was an image of Silva knocking Jardine out with a leg kick followed by a stiff hook to the chin.

The last bout was a battle for the ages! The fight definitely lived up the the hype! I was just surprised at Nogueira's boxing, which is really underrated. But as far as I know, I do remember him having pretty good boxing during his Pride days. Randy did pretty well in the stand-up too, until "he got caught"[which is pretty much becomin' a cliche nowadays and is the most used up excuse in the book of MMA or fighting in general].

I'm sure Randy executed his game plan to perfection. It's just that it's extremely difficult to follow your own formulated strategy if it's not playin' itself out and you're bein' repeatedly punched in the face.

All in all, a great night of fights! Thank you UFC. You just gave me my monthly dose of MMA-fix. Good enough to last 'till UFC 103 next month. 'Till then, see you around in cyberspace!!! It's a lazy afternoon!

"We are the champions[my friends]"

First time ever that I've been in a championship team for a basketball tournament. I can't believe that in all my years of playin' the sport, I never got to taste gold! I just love that elusive taste!

Ironic thing was that in all the championship games that I lost to, this was the only championship game where I'm relegated to bench status! Man I'd rather log in heavy minutes playing for a losin' team rather than to be reduced to cheerleader. Good thing I could take one for the team. It's only me that appreciates my goodwill, damn that!!

1st Loss

I thought that we would go undefeated for the rest of the season, but I was wrong. we lost in OT, by 3 fuckers! Daym!

And to make matters worse, I didn't get to attend m y class last night. And the reason? I was stupid enough not to remove my celfone on silent mode! All I could say is that sleep really ruins my fuckin' plans, big time!!

Quasi-Rakista Jam 10.6

I was supposed to be at the Rakista Jam last night at G-Mix bar[near Shangri-La], but I wasn't. I once again fell victim to sleep. The same culprit that made me miss my friend Tonton's wedding to Diorelle, the same shit that destroyed my previous relationship, the same exact fucker that makes me slack and not hit the books!

Turk[a.k.a. Mikki(or however way you spell that)]was expectin' me. We were supposed to meet up at the venue at around 8PM. But alas, some plans really are meant to be ruined, or should I say spoiled. Sorry Turk and friends, I let you down...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

G.I. Joe[The Real American Hero]

It's another "nakaka-boring" day[take note of the wrong usage of "nakaka-boring", hehe!]. I still feel drowsy after watching G.I.Joe last night. Man that film was somethin'! It seemed to somehow live up to the hype. I said "somehow" because I was a little underwhelmed by the overall action of the film or somethin'. But don't get me wrong, I was gripping the edge of my seat during the Paris, France highway chase!

All I could say is that Sienna Miller is boner town! Though Scarlett was hot too. But I would do Sienna Miller over Rachel Nichols anytime of the fuckin' day! I really don't know what the fuck Jude Law was thinkin' when he decided to do their chubby nanny and not think about how beautiful Sienna Miller was. He's really a stupid jerk!

All in all, G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra gave a different rise outta me. A lot of mixed emotions were felt while I was watchin' the movie. And based on the ending, we're sure to get our hands full on the next installment[s]. Watch out for it!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Expedia travel Bruins VS [somethin' somethin']Golden Stallions

I dont' really wanna talk much about office life[nothin' to talk about anyway except for the chicks, hehehe!], but this one is worth noting. We are in this basketball tourney and we have swept the eliminations! The last game earlier today was the last stage of the sweep.

The game was a nail-biter! Lots of errors took place, and we seem to have exposed our weakness to our opponents. We can't break the press effectively. I ain't complainin', but I should've been inserted in the most crucial parts of the game where my teammates were fumbling the ball and passin it errantly like it was a piece of shit!

When I was inserted, we broke the press effectively and we were even up by like 4 points. But when I was taken out, the inexperience and the game jitters ate some of my teammates whole! I'm not sayin' that I'm the star of the team, but basketball IQ-wise, I'm head and shoulders above everyone else!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

UFC 101[post-fight analysis]

Well for starters, the Dentist-Batman fight wasn't fiery enough. I expected more TNT but all Pellegrino did was just "blanket" the Dentist and really didn't do any significant damage. That's why Neer seemed so disgusted with himself when the final bell rang.

I didn't care much about the next couple of fights[though the Roop-Sotiropoulos fight entertained me a bit], except for the co-main events. And it didn't disappoint. Some naysayers were sayin' that Griffin will give Anderson a run for his money. Well all I saw was Forrest running to his locker room after the massacre. Anderson Silva's striking was really a thing of beauty. No words could describe it. If Anderson Silva is often said as the Michael Jordan of MMA, for me Anderson is the Neo to the UFC's Matrix!

For the Penn-Florian fight, I wasn't expectin' anythin' less than a BJ beatdown! And he didn't disappoint me on that. Except that the beatdown came in the 4th. I as expecting like a 2nd or 3rd round TKO.

All in all, great night[great day here] of fights!! Still pumped up, and of course excited for UFC 102, 103 and 104!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cory's Funeral Procession

As we speak, ex-president Cory Aquino's funeral entourage is makin' its way through Ayala Ave. Just outside the window, I see lots of people, and a lot of confetti bein' thrown out the window. i believe most of the confetti consists of shredded resumes from applicants who never made it to the final interview or somethin'.

Well the thing that irritates me is that all these people "feel" that they've been a part of Cory's life, that's why they're standing by. The problem is that these motherfucks are blocking the way, my way to QC. I don't have any alternative routes goin' to school except if I pass through Buendia, which will eat up most of my time.

I really don't have any qualms about the funeral. it's just that the stupid people are blocking the way and eating up space. Get away! Scram!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The "Suckage"[if there's such a word] of Powerade Team Pilipinas

The Powerade Team Plipinas really sucked dick in the previous Jones Cup which was held in some Asian country[I believe that it was Taiwan, or Chinese Taipei or whichever way you wanna call it]. Gabe Norwood told me that the plan was to crush the other countries. but it seemed that it was they who suffered sound thrashings from the other squads.

Foul-mouthed coach Yeng Guiao was always saying that Powerade Team Pilipinas should display speed, accurate shooting, and defense to negate the size advantage of the other countries. Well the problem is that the opposing teams are also fast, if not faster, more massive, deadlier from the outside, and more experienced when it comes to playing international basketball[which boils down to familiarity with the FIBA rules].

To add to that, RP's ball-handling was sloppy at best, and outside shooting was miserably ice-cold. That spelled the death of this futile campaign of ours. I thought this was the team to do the job. But it looks like we still have to wait for 10-15 more years to catch up with the world's style of play.

The only lone bright spot is the emergence of 6-10 Japeth Aguilar. Even with a frame as thin as mine, he showed that he has polished ofensive skills, and was also a defensive threat on the floor. He will be one of the major building blocks for the RP Team in the years to come. Watch out world!! Just kiddin'. It is us who have to do the watching.

Redhorse Muziklaban[with tatoo-an and shit]

First time I've been to Cubao Expo since it was just somethin' else beside what was formerly known as COD. We initially couldn't get in 'coz of the younger rakista kids tryin' to get into the event. They had to be 18 to get in, but these rabid kids were like 15.

I saw a lot of peepz that I thought I would never see there[except for some]. Here is a list:

-Rommel[a.k.a. "Napay"]
-Joel[a.k.a. "Tisoy"]
-some dude in our subdivision we call "Amare"['coz he looks like Amare Stoudemire!]
-Ronald[another PhilTag friend like Tisoy]
-Rhea + other friends
-Dr Mendez[or is it Mendes, like Eva?], [some gay doctor dude who has a clinic or somethin', and is seen in one of 'em ads with PAuleen Luna]
-Carlo Aquino[yep, that showbiz kid from ABS-CBN]
-Bong[Green Department's vocalist]
-Daiana Menezes[that hot Brazilian chick from Eat Bulaga]
-THe peepz[like Annestar, Ridz, Ycah, Jing, Charles, Pinta + 2 nephews, Les, VJ, Dix, Aidy, Sharley + boylet Sascha(Baron Cohen),]

Harry Potter[post-movie analysis]

What can I say about the Harry Potter movie? Well for one, if you want eye candy, well this is the movie to watch instead of opting for Public Enemies[which is better suited for the more hardcore junkies(like me!)]. Whatever J.K. Rowling could vividly describe in her books, it was clearly shown here by director David Yates and crew. Or was that not David Yates? Hmm...

Well anyway, I ain't criticizin' this film by any means. The critics say that the film's incomplete, and that it's not suited or whatever. What do critics know anyway? I say it's a pretty nice film with a comedic side tryin' to mask the darkness there is to it.

I also hadn't noticed that Emma Watson suddenly looked hot, as well as Ginny Weasley[did I spell that right?]played by whatsizname. Lots of hormones running wild through this film. Potions too are like drugs liberally took to put a pop in things.

Whatever they say about this film, all I could say about this film are 2 words..."Watch it!"

Sunday "Boring" Sunday

I remember that U2 song everytime it's Sunday, just like I remember the song "Manic Monday" by the Sundays everytime I think of Monday.

Man I shouldn't even be here in this office. Those HR fucks hadn't fixed my schedule yet. They're fuckin' gonna get it this time!

Next week's UFC 101. i requested a leave like almost 2 weeks ago. I'm gonna kill 'em if they make me work on Sunday!

Sorry for the frustration. I just need to vent it all out. This is a prelude to what's comin' up in this blog. Lots of frustration and criticism, so beware, I'm watchin' you!